The challenge for C.O.A.C.H. is the launch of the new role of ‘EDucation coach’ who can genuinely and effectively contribute to the enhancement of quality in education. All training will be focused on team work, cooperation, goals sharing and self-assessment, ongoing reflection, all of which are basic elements on which an education community should build its vision for successful in its mission.
The existence of an EDcoach within educational institutions can additionally promote mindfulness and well-being of staff and, as a consequence, of students and their families. The innovation of C.O.A.C.H. also lies in its main outcome that is real, concrete, and adaptable to change. Training for a new role in education will support leaders and educators in their everyday relationships and actions. The project aims at developing human resources offering opportunities for progress and constant improvements that are the primary goals for a successful ongoing European education policy.
In addition, further advantageous innovation lies in the focus on the ED coach, who, through being a change agent, will be easily adaptable to current and changing demands. Considering that teachers work with human capital, students first of all and then colleagues, all aspects related to well-being and inclusion are fundamental to them.